Multiple color print


This print I applied the desired colors on a plexiglass then transferred onto paper. Then on a sheet of linoleum, I carved the design then applied black paint, set the paper with the colors already on it and print. The first piece is the "ghost piece" this one is the second print using the paint was left from the first print.  


This other print was a bit more tricky because it is a multiple color plate print. It required to choose what part of the composition needed to be in each plate and then one plate needed to have the whole composition  as well. When choosing the colors, I thought about colors that I could actually make so I didn't had to make so many individual plates. So I chose yellow, blue, green (made from the yellow and blue), brown and black. The black was for the plate with the whole composition. This one was the one that had to be printed last. Once all parts had been carved onto the linoleum then the paper had to be run with each individual plate each time with the press. 


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