Art Review and Quiz

Review and Quiz
7th and 8th grade
by E. Luna

This is an art review and the art quiz with the answer key too. I utilize three different games during the review. Also at the very end there is a word search puzzle that I made for my students with special needs during the time of the quiz. 

List of Games

1.      Beat the Clock
Divide the class in 2 teams. They have to stand in a line and if the student gets the question right will seat down. If not then go back of the line.

2.      Speed Ball
The students stand in a circle. They throw the ball to each other. When teacher says ‘stop’; the student who’s holding the ball will answer the review question.

3.      Last Man Standing
The students stand next to their seat. The teacher asks a question, students raise their hand if answer is correct keeps standing if not sits down. The students get to have two turns so they don’t seat right away for those who get it wrong.


1.      Line
2.      Contour
3.      Two- dimensional
4.      Three- dimensional
5.      Form
6.      Shape
7.      Shade
8.      Space
9.      Value
10.  Elements of art
11.   Color Scheme
12.  Balance, Informal Balance
13.  Focal Point
14.  Positive Space, Negative Space
15.  Armature
16.  Additive sculpture, Subtractive sculpture
17.  Acrylic Paint
18.  Paper Mache
19.  Primary Colors, Secondary Colors


1.      Is a sculpture two- dimensional or three- dimensional?
2.      Is a painting three- dimensional or two- dimensional?
3.      Which elements of art have been used in previous assignments?
4.      What is the difference between watercolor and acrylic paint?
5.      How did you create the illusion of light and shadow in previous assignments?
6.      What techniques could be use in your three dimensional paper mache project?

7.      What are the painting procedures we discussed during your paper mache project?      

                                                       Art Quiz

Multiple Choice.
4 points each

1.      The element of art that refers to darkness or lightness is ___________.
a.      Color
b.      Form
c.       Texture
d.      Value

2.      Line, shape, color, value, texture, space and form as a group are called the _____________.
a.      Principles of art
b.      Values of art
c.       Ethics of art
d.      Elements of art

3.      The principle of art which deals with the visual weight of objects and forms in an artwork is called ___________.
a.      Rhythm
b.      Emphasis
c.       Balance
d.      Variety

4.      When contrast is used to draw attention to an area, the area that the artist is calling attention to is the ______________.
a.      Perspective
b.      Focal point
c.       Still life
d.      Walk point

5.      ____________ is the property of color concerned with the amount of light a surface reflects or doesn’t reflect. How light or dark the surface is.
a.      Color
b.      Complement
c.       Pigment
d.      Value

6.      A ___________is a color with black added to it.
a.      Hue
b.      Color
c.       Shade
d.      Pigment

7.      Plans for organizing colors are called ___________ _________. (two words)
a.      Still life
b.      Focal point
c.       Color wheel
d.      Color scheme

8.      A type of paint that is fast drying and can be diluted with water is called __________.
a.      Acrylic
b.      House paint
c.       Oil
d.      Craypas

Use the color wheel for the next question.

9.      Complementary Colors are ___________________.
a.      Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.
b.      Colors that are across from each other on the color wheel.
c.       Colors made by mixing two primary colors.
d.      Colors made by mixing a secondary with a primary color. 

1.      When mixing red and yellow together, the resulting color is __________.
a.      Orange
b.      Blue
c.       Green
d.      Violet

2.      When mixing blue and yellow together, the resulting color is _________.
a.      Orange
b.      Blue
c.       Green
d.      Violet

3.      A shape has __________ dimension(s).
a.      One
b.      Two
c.       Three
d.      Four

4.      A form has __________ dimension(s).
a.      One
b.      Two
c.       Three
d.      Four

5.      The angle from which the object is seen is the __________ in a work of art.
a.      Picture plane
b.      Foreground
c.       Point of view
d.      Negative space

6.      In two- and three- dimensional art, the space between and around shapes and forms is the _____________.
a.      Picture plane
b.      Positive space
c.       Point of view
d.      Negative space

7.      The area between, around, above, below and within an object is a definition of ________________.
a.      Shape
b.      Space
c.       Background
d.      Point of view

8.      The path created by a moving point is ___________.
a.      Contrast
b.      Line
c.       Variety
d.      Pattern

9.      Subtractive processes include _________________.
a.      Carving/ cutting
b.      Casting
c.       Modeling
d.      Modeling and assembling only

10.  The additive process of sculpture includes _____________.
a.      Carving
b.      Modeling
c.       Assembling
d.      Casting

11.  _________________ is a painting technique where the artist scratches the top layer of paint, while still wet to reveal a bottom layer of a different color.
a.      Stenciling
b.      Sgraffito
c.       Knife painting
d.      Flat color.

Short Answer Question
5 points each

1.      How did you create the illusion of light and shadow in previous projects?

2.      What techniques could be use in your three- dimensional paper mache project? Which of these techniques did you used and what theme and emotion your project represents?

Bonus Question
3 points

1.      Tell me the painting procedures used during your paper mache project.

Answer Key
Multiple Choice
  1. d. value
  2. d. elements of art
  3. c. balance
  4. b. focal point
  5. d. value
  6. c. shade
  7. d. color scheme
  8. a. acrylic
  9. b. colors that are across from each other on the color wheel
  10. a. orange
  11. c. green
  12. b. two
  13. c. three
  14. c. point of view
  15. d. negative space
  16. b. space
  17. b. line
  18. a. carving/ cutting
  19. c. assembling
  20. b. sgraffito

Short Answer Questions

  1. The illusion of form is created by the transitions of value from the darkest areas to the lightest areas. The portion of the shape that is illuminated by the source will be light and the portion which is not illuminated will be dark.
  2. Techniques: opaque, sgraffito and watercolor. Then the other two answers depend on the students free choice to use the technique, theme and emotion based on fear, love or adventure.

Bonus Question
  1. Wear a shirt/apron to protect clothing.
  2. Make sure tables are properly covered.
  3. Pour a coin size portion of acrylic paint in container. Also if there are containers with acrylic paint in it from last class period than look first for desired color than if there is none of that color then pour the desire paint.
  4. Use only one paint brush at a time.
  5. Rest paint brush if needed on a paper towel not inside paint container.
  6. When done using paint; if there’s paint left on container cover it with plastic wrap and save it and wash brush with water and soap.
  7. Clean brushes rest with bristles up in the air in their container.
  8. Clean quickly any paint in undesirable areas especially from floor, tables, chairs, counters.
  9. Clothes stain with paint wash quickly with water and soap and use the ‘kiss off’ stain remover. 


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