Blind Contour Drawing
by E. Luna
5th grade

Goal: to develop hand-eye coordination and to train the eye to draw what it really sees rather than what it thinks it sees. This lesson encourages students to trust what their hand is drawing while their eyes are able to study the object.

Time needed: one to two 50 minute class periods.

Objectives: students will
·        Become familiar with contour line
·        Be able to develop their hand coordination
·        Train the hand to truly draw what the eye is seeing
·        To complete a blind contour drawing and a regular contour drawing of their hand

·        Contour line- is a French word meaning outline. It is an essential technique for drawing and painting. Its objective is to capture the life, action, or expression of the subject.
·        Blind Contour line- is a method to draw the contour of a subject without looking at the paper.
§117.17. Art, Grade 5.
1 Four basic strands--perception, creative expression/performance, historical and cultural heritage, and critical evaluation--provide broad, unifying structures for organizing the knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire. Students rely on their perceptions of the environment, developed through increasing visual awareness and sensitivity to surroundings, memory, imagination, and life experiences, as a source for creating artworks. They express their thoughts and ideas creatively, while challenging their imagination, fostering reflective thinking, and developing disciplined effort and problem-solving skills.
2 By analyzing artistic styles and historical periods students develop respect for the traditions and contributions of diverse cultures. Students respond to and analyze artworks, thus contributing to the development of lifelong skills of making informed judgments and evaluations.
Knowledge and skills
5.1 Perception. The student develops and organizes ideas from the environment. The student is expected to:
 B identify in artworks that form, line, and space are basic art elements and that the principles such as emphasis, pattern, rhythm, balance, proportion, and unity serve as organizers.
5.2 Creative expression/performance. The student expresses ideas through original artworks, using a variety of media with appropriate skill. The student is expected to:
A. combine information from direct observation

Materials: sketchbook and pencil

This drawing will be approached by looking only at the object not at the paper. Students will draw their hand by placing the pencil near the bottom of the paper then looking at the edge of the wrist they will begin to follow the line going very slowly and steady. They will try to make the pencil follow every slight curve and bump in their hand. When they get to a crease they should follow it in, then they should back out to the side and carry on without removing the pencil from paper. Students should not rush. They will need to concentrate on observing every little detail from their hand. When they have gone all around the hand they should stop and look at the end results. Does it look funny? Some areas of their drawing will look out of proportion and other areas will be far better drawn.

Next on another sheet of paper from their sketchbook students will draw their hand again this time using a continuous line this time by been able to look at the paper as they work. They should maintain a focus on their hand and keep the pencil in contact with the paper at all times. If their arm needs a break then students can go back exactly at the point from which they stop the line and continue from it.

Contour Lines
Outline and cross-contours correctly used
The hand is outline and cross-contour lines that are descriptive and creative
The hand has contour lines and most of the lines have been intentionally made
The hand has outline contour but little or no cross-contours
The hand was not completed
Careful Observation
How well was the hand drawn from observation
The hand is drawn completely from observation and show a creative attention to detail
The hand is mostly drawn from observation but lack meaningful details
Hand appear to be loosely based on observation and no detail
Hand was not completed
How much effort was made to finish project
The artwork is outstanding and demonstrates a unique level of patience and focus
The overall drawing shows above average craftsmanship and understanding
The drawing merely shows an average level of craftsmanship and understanding
The drawing was not completed in satisfactory manner

My examples: 
Blind Contour

                                                                 Students' work:


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